Managing Curly-Leaf Pondweed

Managing Curly-Leaf Pondweed

MANAGING CURLY-LEAF PONDWEED PRESENTED BY THE AIS Detectors program MARCH 14 | 10am  Register for Zoom Join on Zoom The next Detector Connector is coming up! These are informal monthly chats with the AIS Detectors team around a topic of interest. Come with your...
Spring Activities

Spring Activities

Spring 2024 updates from the fairmont lakes foundation Annual Membership Renewal Have you renewed your Fairmont Lakes Foundation membership for 2024?It is easy to do so-either online or by sending a check. Simply click the link...
Yellow Bass Update

Yellow Bass Update

Yellow Bass are they considered an Invasive Species in MN?  A New Species in Fairmont Lakes A new species of fish has somehow found its way into the Fairmont Chain of Lakes. Many anglers have been catching this fish species for years now. The first fish was caught by...
Let’s Go Fishing Benefit Breakfast

Let’s Go Fishing Benefit Breakfast

let’s go fishing Benefit Breakfast Sunday, April 23, 2023  At the Knights of Columbus. Breakfast served from 9am until noon. Pancakes, sausage, milk, juice and coffee for free will donation.   Proceeds given to our local Let’s Go Fishing program....
Smart Salting

Smart Salting

Smart Salting Actions steps that anyone can take to reduce chloride pollution! Advocacy and Education • Work together with local government, businesses, schools, churches, and nonprofits to find ways to reduce salt use in the community. • Inform and educate local and...
Earth Day: World Cleanup Day

Earth Day: World Cleanup Day

EARTH DAY World Cleanup Day Sat, Sep 16, 2022  Whether you join an Earth Day group or just dedicate some time to cleanup in Fairmont, the planet appreciates your effort. Fairmont Lakes Foundation had a well-attended lakes cleanup event this spring but that’s only a...